Tactical Privacy Wire

Tactical Privacy Wire

An independent publication from ObscureIQ and Jeff Jockisch.

This wire is a weekly deep dive into digital privacy, data privacy, data brokers, and digital footprints that you won’t find anywhere else.

No News. No Marketing. Only Insight.

This isn’t ⛔ news. It’s not ⛔ marketing.
Every issue is crafted to be worth your time.

It’s the good 🍬 stuff—the inside scoop we uncover while researching and operationalizing privacy recovery for our clients.

Subscribers gain access to exclusive content published her and sent direct to their inbox. Fresh insights as soon as it available.

Join us. Lets show the world that privacy isn't dead. Privacy is possible.

Meet Other Privacy Enthusiasts

Were hoping to make this a place you can interact as well, should you have interest. We hope to do that in a safe way with pseudonyms and or anonymous commenting.

We think recovering privacy is easier as a team sport.

About ObscureIQ

We won't make this wire about marketing our services, but we will call them out when appropriate. Education is crucial and so few people understand what it takes to delete a digital footprint.

The way Obscure differentiates itself from consumer data deletion services is based on two key components:

Digital Footprint Audits

We don't just delete your data, we help you understand what's out there. Everything. Every threat. All of your exposed accounts, breached data, consumer profiles. The threat surface a bad actor or and AI can use against you.

We employ the best open source intelligence tools find out what's out there. It can't be wiped if you don't know its out there.

Our Audits serve another purpose too. It gathers all of your selectors. Emails. Phones, Addresses. Usernames. Handles. These are required to effectively curate your digital footprint.

Many data brokers will not delete your base record. Legally they don't have to. But if you are at risk, we can convince them to deindex all of your selectors, making you impossible to find.

See below for a sample of part of a high-end Footprint Audit.

Sample Footprint Audit - OCIR - Click for PDF

Digital Footprint Wipes

We don't simply delete your footprint from a list of data brokers. A broker wipe is part of what we do, but its only a beginning.

    • We wipe your sensitive data from places where it shouldn't be
    • We scan public records for your information and can often find ways to make them go away or make the information less valuable.
    • We look for mentions of you in search results - beyond people search engines - to understand your findability.
    • Its possible to delete or obscure lots of data if you know who to ask and what motivates them.

In part, we are able to delete more data because we understand the commercial surveillance and data broker ecosystem better. We study it. We track it. Its not just a business but a passion.

Visit ObscureIQ.com for more information.